From 10th-12th June, Alchemint initiated Early Bird sale and Public sale, and received 7965 investors support. But because the LEEKICO’s system upgrade, it causing many problems included:
We have reversed all the transactions if falling in one of these categories including non-early bird users but successfully purchased SDT tokens, users in restricted areas but successfully contributed SDT project and users who purchased SDT tokens exceeded their personal cap.
Total 375 participants in the Alchemint Early Bird and 789 investors in the Alchemint main ICO were effected by the update of website.
Alchemint Foundation are truly sorry to everyone effected by it.
Alchemint Foundation has evaluate the incidence and concluded: due to the refund and retrieve, our ICO has ended without reaching the hardcap.
For the public sale, LEEKICO has refunded 789 investors funds. Due to the LEEKICO system problem, although the investors deducted ETH/NEO and received SDT, but in LEEKICO’s system, they don’t actually involve into our public sale, so it don’t effect our public sale, we reached our public sale target.
For Early Birds sale, LEEKICO has refunded 375 participants in total 381.55ETH. Our public sale allocation is 200M SDT minus the Early Bird sold, due to the 381.55ETH sold allocation in Early Bird is invalided, this made our public sale has unsold 381.55*8007=3055070.85 SDT. Our ICO has sold 196,944,929.15 SDT.
For these unsold 3,055,070.85 SDT, we will burnt it after LEEKICO finished their final stock-taking. We move that amount SDT into a black hole address and show that address.
Additional, due to LEEKICO need do final stock-taking, we have to move SDT withdraw date to 23rd June.
Once again, Alchemint Foundation feel sorry for the whole LEEKICO incidence, we will raising our partnership requirement. We will cooperate with LEEKICO to handle the aftermath.
Thanks for the following and supporting to Alchemint, we will keep working hard.
6月10日~6月12日,Alchemint正式启动了早鸟计划和正式公募,并获得7965位投资者的积极热情参与。但由于恰逢第三方公募销售平台 LEEKICO的网站升级,公募销售过程出现了较多的问题,包括,实时销售进度数据显示错误,非白名单用户可参与投资,白名单用户投资超过了1ETH硬顶,以及未通过KYC的用户也参与了投资等。
早鸟阶段退币375人,共计退币381.55ETH。按照公募总额度2亿减去早鸟额度无效的381.55ETH对应的额度381.55*8007=3055070.85 SDT,此次ICO实际销售数量为 196,944,929.15个SDT。
对于退回的 3,055,070.85 个SDT,在LEEKICO最终清算后,Alchemint基金会将进行公开销毁。销毁完成后我们会公示黑洞地址,欢迎监督。