Dear Alchemint Community,
Today we are excited to announce our collaboration with new partner: PikcioChain.
What is PikcioChain?
PikcioChain is a secure and distributed permission-based platform specialized in the collection, certification, verification and exchange of personal data. PikcioChain lets businesses trade and exchange personal data in complete security and with confidence whilst simultaneously empowering individuals by giving them control of their personal data and enabling them to realize its financial value.
PikcioChain is providing the world’s first monetized personal data marketplace, and is revolutionary in its concept and idea.
What is Alchemint?
Alchemint is a decentralized price-stable cryptocurrency management system for the NEO blockchain. It creates high performance application-level digital currency through distributed ledger technology.
A bridge between the data market and cryptocurrency
Both companies, PikcioChain and Alchemint, agreed to explore ways to collateralize personal data through the Alchemint platform.
Unlike other stablecoins that are only pegged to the US dollar, Alchemint will provide further stabilization for its currency by mortgaging digital assets on the NEO blockchain, implemented via smart contracts, termed the “Smart Assets Reserve (SAR).”
With this new partnership our aim is to create a bridge between the data market and cryptocurrency. This partnership facilitates industries to innovate and adopt financial solutions using blockchain technology.
Best regards,
Alchemint Foundation